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HILFE!!Dominator mit E85 vernüftig einstellen - Druckversion

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HILFE!!Dominator mit E85 vernüftig einstellen - Chevyralle - 19.05.2009

Hallo Jungs
Ich bräuchte mal eure Hilfe
Mein neues Motorprojekt will nicht so richtig fuzen.hab nun einen 496cui sauger (wollts mal ohne Blower versuchen)aber das ding läuft nicht so richtig mal läuft er so fett das er fast ausgeht mal so mager das ein paar zylinder aussetzen.Daher meine Frage:Wer ist in der lage mir das mal richtig zu kallibrieren??ich bin halt nicht so der vergaserfutzi und langsam auch zu genervt!!Also Wer hats nun richtig drauf, hat zeit und braucht ein paar Mäuse??Ich würde natürlich das FZG hinbringen
Gruß Ralf

HILFE!!Dominator mit E85 vernüftig einstellen - Merlin - 19.05.2009

Hast ne PN Deal

HILFE!!Dominator mit E85 vernüftig einstellen - Danys-Garage - 19.05.2009


Wenn Du E85 fährst..., gibt`s nur einen, der schon seine richtigen Erfahrungen damit gemacht hat und das ganze auch in den Griff bekommt...!!!

HILFE!!Dominator mit E85 vernüftig einstellen - Euro1320Racer - 19.05.2009

Zitat:Original von Danys-Garage

Wenn Du E85 fährst..., gibt`s nur einen, der schon seine richtigen Erfahrungen damit gemacht hat und das ganze auch in den Griff bekommt...!!!

Not taking anything away from Mr. Engelage, but probably the best in the business, with great customer service, who is at the track himself, is Patrick James from Pro-Systems.


HILFE!!Dominator mit E85 vernüftig einstellen - Merlin - 19.05.2009

He Alex,

no doubt about Patrick James but do you think he will be available at Bitburg, Drachten, Hockenheim or any other european track? Gruebel
Local service and support as well as a good on-call service pay's back in good results on the track.
Our problem over her are the conditions, weather and tracks, that you can't hardly compare with the US once Meinung

HILFE!!Dominator mit E85 vernüftig einstellen - Euro1320Racer - 19.05.2009


No Merlin he will not be physically available at the track, but that is what cell phones are for! He is great with carbs but is not a Merlin himself and cannot be present at all racing events in the states simultaneously either. Thumb

You can call him and he WILL call you back. My comment was aimed at stating that he is at the track, running cars and trying out setups on cars at the track not simply sitting at a flow bench all the time.

Good point about the local service, but I would suspect that you BIG MONEY racers that can afford an 18 wheeler have a 400 dollar portable weather station.

HILFE!!Dominator mit E85 vernüftig einstellen - Chevyralle - 19.05.2009

mensch männers ihr seid ja nun wirklich hilfsbereit --danke schonmal!!
also ein anspechpartner hier im lande ist schon besser.natürlich schwört der eine auf dies und der andere auf das aber umsonst sind ja nicht so viele beim herrn engelage da muß dann wohl auch was drann sein
Gruß Ralf

HILFE!!Dominator mit E85 vernüftig einstellen - Merlin - 19.05.2009

He Alex,

unfortunately our 18 Wheels just went down the toilett and took the trailerbased weatherstation incl CrewChief Pro 7.1 laptop with it. *rofl
No seriously, I didn't wann' attack you or your connections.
I had to call the States serveral times last year from the track because of failures.
I know the guys usually are very helpful, such as Don Higgins from Crew Chief.
And with all fairness, WE are as far aways from big money racing as the earth is from proxima centauri Thumb
All these knowledge sharing and helping racer colleagues is what our sport over here is all about.
We in Europe are on the tail end of the dog and have more or less to live from leftovers.
We are a to small market to be looked at, so it is for sure that the concentration of inventions and set up will be for the majority of racers, US / Down under / Arab countries.
Thats fine by me and therefore we have to help ourselfs. The most help you can get is if someone is on the track you race. Sure with datalogging and weatherstation you will have a great advantage but it's a questions of money, as many things in our sport.


HILFE!!Dominator mit E85 vernüftig einstellen - Euro1320Racer - 19.05.2009


Gotcha! I didn't think you were attacking and was just trying to give another contact for a carb builder recognized in the business as being one of the best.

I understand that local support is a great investment along with the product, but you can't have the buider, inventor, and designer at the track all the time. I mean, how many times would someone need to call the carb builder with questions?

I'll tell you if I even open my out of the box Pro-Systems carb this season.

I understand the same gentleman (Engelage) builds motors, but I've seen some of his creations with APD carbs sitting on top of the intake which is a Pro Systems competitor, therefore; I have to assume that some outsourcing and third party sales are involved in the process.

Cheers and have a nice day,

HILFE!!Dominator mit E85 vernüftig einstellen - Michael Mikuscheit - 19.05.2009

Moin Männer der E-85 Vergaser Gilde,
ist mal eben nicht so einfach von Benzin auf E-85 umzustellen.Primary und secondary jets müssen anders kalibriert werden,weiter gehts mit idle air,intermidiate air und high speed air,danach folgen die emulsion holes,idle restriction und pvcr size.Needle und seat size sowie squirter size bitte auch ändern.Weiter gehts mit Kerzentemperatur und total timing.Alles klar........
Gruss Michael